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Event Driven Architecture
ETL Pipelines
Apache Kafka
Apache Flink
Apache Spark
Purely Functional Programming
System Design
AWS & Terraform

About me

I have countless years of experience in building scalable and resilient Scala applications with particular interest in building highly performant and thoroughly tested applications through purely functional effectual tools such as Cats Effect and ZIO. Foundational knowledge and use of Scala OOP is a given with previous involvement with Lightbend stacks such as Akka, Play and Lagom.

I have considerable exposure in building lightweight and standalone API endpoints utilising the likes of SoftwareMills Tapir to more complex applications modelled with the likes of Play MVC. On the data engineering side, I have in depth knowledge of both Apache Kafka and Apache Spark and in the role they play within ETL Pipelines. I ask the right questions concerning data and how your application works with data.

Some of the more niche interest points include building low latency applications with the likes of ZIO and gRPC as API endpoints/microservices communication within Event Driven Applications using CQRS as opposed to ordinary CRUD database interactions, how businesses can leverage and thus automate their cloud computing resources (AWS) with the likes of Terraform Professional and using AWS Machine Learning to train models within Spark's MLlib.

Duy Hoang

Duy Hoang

Duy Hoang